Student Solution


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Unit 1 Hauptmann Video Lecture

Unit 1 Hauptmann Video Lecture

Q Directions Based upon the Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann Class Lecture video and the corresponding related material Links to an external site.and/or the HSPA Brochure Download HSPA Brochure, in a 500 to 1000 word essay, discuss key points, including ways the lecture relates to Unit 1 course material and Discussion 1 topic. Submit paper by Sunday at 11:59. Please see the syllabus for other applicable information. Video Download the transcript of Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann Lecture Download transcript of Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann Lecture. You may access the video by going to: Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann. (Links to an external site.) Rubric PA333 Hauptmann Lecture Activities (1) PA333 Hauptmann Lecture Activities (1) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 8 pts Uses clearly identified and described course material concepts 7.2 pts Some course material concepts are not fully described 6.4 pts Few course material concepts are used, and/or they are not clearly identified or described 8 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure 6 pts Discussion clearly, logically, and thoroughly addresses the question 5.4 pts Discussion addresses the question; may not be fully developed and/or entirely clear 4.7 pts Discussion is unclear, poorly organized, and/or does not directly address the question 6 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength 4 pts Appropriate length 3.6 pts A few incorrect or missing APA citations and/or reference list entries 3.2 pts Length is too short or too long 4 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations 4 pts Correct APA citations and reference list entries 3.6 pts Rating Description 3.2 pts Multiple incorrect or missing APA citations and/or reference list entries 4 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle Page 2 pts Title Page in correct APA format 1.6 pts Title Page in APA has multiple errors or is missing. 0 pts Title Page in APA has a few errors. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Spelling 3 pts Clear, nearly error-free writing 2.7 pts A few difficulties with sentence structure, grammar/punctuation, and/or clarity of meaning 2.4 pts Multiple difficulties with sentence structure, grammar/punctuation, and/or clarity of meaning 3 pts Total Points: 27 PreviousNext

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In the lecture video, Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann who was retiring after a 50 year service in the campus came up to give his insight on the years of German occupation, ‘39 to ’44, and the ways they meant to him and what was the impact of that to him. He began with narrating his time at the World War II where how he and his family were thrown out from Warsaw. They were sent to Krakow where they didn't know anyone except few friends with whom they spent few days there and went back to Warsaw as his sister in law was originally from there. They all had to understand how to live a life of restrictions including a curfew, limited food access, no education and limited access to the world.